LectureMaker’s Business Video Hosting Service

LectureMaker™ Video Hosting and Publishing for Sales, Marketing, or Training

LectureMaker can help you post videos to many popular community video sites like YouTube, Hulu, and udemy. But each of these services have limitations not found here at LectureMaker.

The value proposition for hosting your videos on LectureMaker.com include real-time streaming, marketing, analytics, new revenue streams, and a professional Internet video studio ready to support you – video hosting built from the ground up to support LectureMaker’s own video hosting needs.

Get more info and see a sample of LectureMaker’s video hosting here:

Video Hosting on LectureMaker.com

  • Provides real-time streaming – click anywhere in timeline without waiting for download
  • Navigate to important locations within your video – just like pushing preset station buttons on your car radio
  • Avoid presenting unwanted ads or distracting links to other web pages
  • Generate revenue with your videos with paypal or clickbank partnerships
  • Track Viewer Activity While Improving Your Video’s Distribution Into the Marketplace
  • Videos are posted within a unique blog page complete with many Platform as a Service (PaaS) application features.

    Videos are distributed and marketed using news partnerships, social networking, email, and search engine optimization. Improvements are made regularly to each video hosted on LectureMaker based on inbound links, page views, bounce rate, and other viewer behavior metrics collected daily. Synergistic videos are actively recruited for hosting on LectureMaker.com as part of its unique “Cycles of Efficiency” program for its clients.

    Some of your most important client prospects and viewers may prefer to skip watching your video and jump right to a text summary or transcript of your video’s content. Search engines can do a better job of ranking your videos higher when subject matter is clearly identified as text, tags, keywords, or meta tags. Other key viewers might like additional services customized to meet specific needs. LectureMaker’s video enhanced blog pages serve these and many more requirements like no other video studio.

    LectureMaker’s video studio clients have access to their blog pages for:

  • Updates to content, keyword tags, and social media link management to name just a few
  • Customizable video player framework
  • Optimized video for specific projects like software screen casting and PowerPoint Presentations
  • Large data storage for full length lecture videos
  • Unique navigation links (“dots”) embedded in the time line so viewers can quickly find the content they want
  • Google analytics report emailed every week showing number of unique page views, visitor sources, bounce rate, marketing goals, and more
  • Search engine optimization designed to improve visibility with related videos, categories, keywords, tags, trackbacks, pingbacks, and meta tags
  • Ability for visitors to share and link videos on other sites
  • Sales lead capture
  • Password protection for private lectures
  • Direct integration with EventBright for virtual event management including registration, sales lead generation, and revenue collection
  • eCommerce and subscription revenue streams supported by a large base of affiliate partners
  • Software language highlighting for over 50 languages such as Java, C++, PHP, Perl, and etc…
  • Mathematics symbol publishing
  • The ability to add new platform services on request

Take the Next Step

Contact LectureMaker for pricing, and services supporting LectureMaker’s video hosting, distribution, and marketing program.


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