Lick Observatory Summer Visitor Program

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This documentary presents a visitor’s perspective of Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program lecture series:

  • The drive up Mt. Hamilton,
  • Some of the activities available to the amateur astronomer and general public,
  • The evening’s feature lecture presented by Dr. Prochaska on modern cosmology.

The documentary is suitable for the general public, parents and their children, amateur astronomers, and anyone interested in an introduction to the field of cosmology. The speaker is Dr. J. Xavier Prochaska, a UC Santa Cruz professor and cosmologist at UCO/Lick Observatory.

Editor’s note: The video was remastered recently – June 10, 2013. The video player now allows real-time streaming so the red navigation dots can be clicked to jump to the featured material without waiting for download. Also the navigation dots appear as external links in the table below the video so you can share the video segment most interesting to you.

LectureMaker presents:
Modern Cosmology: The Past and Future of Our Universe

Presented by Dr. J. Xavier Prochaska, UC Santa Cruz
Hosted by Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program, June 18’th 2010
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” allowFullScreen=”false” movie=”” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = lick_movie_v2.flv; lecID = 1; lecSubDir = /lick_summer_program/; imgPreLoad = LMPreloadImage.jpg; imgSubDir = /lick_summer_program/; gaFID = 2010/09/lick; winPtr=; winTip=Lick Observatory Friday Night Visitors Program Home Page; vidWidth=854; vidHeight=480; autoNavDisplay=1; duration=1:14:40; navDotParam = {Introduction to Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program}{0}, {The Drive Up Mt. Hamilton Presented by Bill Copeland}{1:35}, {Amateur Astronomers and the View from Lick Observatory}{3:17}, {An Interview with Dr. Prochaska Lead by Bill Copeland}{5:17}, {Modern Cosmology: The Past and Future of our Universe by Dr. Prochaska}{14:34}, {Summary and Credits}{1:13:19}”]

Video Playback Using HTML5 iOS Platform Support


Navigation Tags Within the Summer Visitor Program Video
[table id=18 /]

Background Notes

LectureMaker’s filmmaker and co-Founder Ron Fredericks, with the help of science journalist Bill Copeland, put together this documentary on the wonderful Summer Visitors Program held each summer at Lick Observatory.

Figure 1 – Ron Fredericks introduces his documentary on Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program. With side panels showing:
  • Sell-out crowd during Dr. Prochaska’s cosmology lecture
  • Bill Copeland describes the drive up Mt. Hamilton
  • Close up of Dr. Prochaska

For more information on Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program:

For more information on Dr. J. Xavier Prochaska:

For more information on Mr. Ron Fredericks:

For more information on Mr. Bill Copeland:

But I would especially like to thank the facilities director John Wareham, and the visitor services supervisor Lotus Baker, for their important yet unseen work at Lick Observatory. Together with their volunteer staff, they are the unsung heroes behind Lick Observatory’s Summer Visitor Program. Without their effort and commitment, Bay Area residents and visitors would not have a chance to explore the universe and learn key lessons about our precious life here on earth.

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