Pivotal Progress

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From Outrage to Outcomes: “Let’s produce pivotal progress!”

Learn how to produce progress. Learn about societal aspects that need pivotal progress. Prepare to ‘make a difference.’ Use what you learn. Catalyze positive change. Thrive.


Thomas J. Buckholtz presents –From Outrage to Outcomes: “Let’s produce pivotal progress!”
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  • Tell people about this presentation – Use the e-mail or link-to features above (below the presentation).
  • Produce pivotal progress. – Use the recipe. Succeed. Thrive.
  • Contact or learn more about Thomas J. Buckholtz.
  • Learn, use, benefit from, and teach Direct Outcomes thinking tools. – Use the e-book Innovate Incisively: Gain Impact. Save Time. (mentioned in the third segment of the presentation).
  • Sponsor a follow-on presentation. – Contact Thomas J. Buckholtz or LectureMaker. Suggest a topic such as a societal or business challenge or opportunity or a need for improved thinking or action. Or, ask about topics Dr. Buckholtz would like to address.

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