Balloons for Luv Dinner Event

Balloons For Luv (BFL) held their first annual appreciation dinner for volunteers, staff, and key donors in November, 2010. The event was a celebration of BFL’s success in meeting its goal of delivering free colorful Mylar balloons to hospitalized children during times of painful and often frighting cancer and other serious illnesses.

Enjoy the night out with the team through these videos and photos. See why there is so much passion sharing a balloon with a seriously ill child in a hospital. Then consider donating to help cheer up more children in more hospitals:

Videos and Photos from Balloons for Luv’s Benefit Celebration Dinner: November 11, 2010
video Barbara Sayed Introduction
video Susan Martinez Testimonial
video Douglas Harding Testimonial
video Entertainment Highlights
photos Event Photo Gallery



Video – Barbara Sayed Introduction


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = sp1_v3_meta.flv; lecID = 1; gaFID = /06/balloons-for-luv/1/; lecSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgPreLoad = LMPreloadImage_sp1.jpg; winPtr=; winTip = Make a donation to Balloons for Luv; navDotParam = {Take action to help}{.9428}, {In Memory of Barbara’s Mom}{.7903}, {Zambra Restaurant at 250 Lorton Ave\nBurlingame, CA}{.7714}, {Board of Directors}{.5979}, {Volunteer Recognition}{.1708}, {Simple acts of kindness are important}{.0716}, {The Logo}{.4366}, {Why provide balloons to sick children}{.0043}”]

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Video – Susan Martinez Testimonial


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = sp2_v2_meta.flv; lecID = 2; gaFID = /06/balloons-for-luv/2/; lecSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgPreLoad = LMPreloadImage_sp2.jpg; winPtr=; winTip = Make a donation to Balloons for Luv; navDotParam = {The power of a balloon,\in a children’s hospital.}{.4684}, {First contact with Barbara Sayed}{.2298}, {Take action to help}{.9256}, {Susan Martinez begins}{.0567}”]

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Video – Douglas Harding Testimonial


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = sp3_v3_meta.flv; lecID = 3; gaFID = /06/balloons-for-luv/3/; lecSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgPreLoad = LMPreloadImage_sp3.jpg; winPtr=; winTip = Make a donation to Balloons for Luv; navDotParam = {Hope Flight Foundation Newsletter}{.6864}, {How you can take action to help}{.9736}, {Balloons make children patients in hospitals happy}{.7408}, {How Doug met Barbara}{.4252}, {Doug talks about his flights for sick children}{.1401}”]

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Video – Entertainment Highlights


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = sp5_meta.flv; lecID = 5; gaFID = /06/balloons-for-luv/5/; lecSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgSubDir = /bfl_11_2010/; imgPreLoad = LMPreloadImage_sp5.jpg; winPtr=; winTip = Make a donation to Balloons for Luv; navDotParam = {Prizes}{.8115}, {Photo Session}{.6923}, {Ron Fredericks,\nCo-founder, LectureMaker LLC}{.5692}, {Ed Lane,\nGuitarist}{.2615}, {Joshua Logan,\nMagician}{.025}, {Take Action to Help}{.985}”]

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Event Photo Gallery

The support for the event was fantastic. Click on any photo to start a slide show.

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