A Walk In Muir Woods – Humorous Speech

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Ron Fredericks writes: the video presented here is the polished version of Nitesh Jain’s humorous speech during the division C humorous speech contest Friday October 23’rd 2009. Nitesh was representing his Toastmasters R Us club, having already won first place at the area contest.

LectureMaker filmed the video and hosted the video as part of this blog page. I’is a demonstration of LectureMaker’s video and audio event capture techniques. LectureMaker offers global reuse of events by filming at remote sites, then hosting the video with exeptional quality on its web site.  Contact LectureMaker when you need to:

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LectureMaker presents
A Walk In Muir Woods, a humorous speech by Nitesh Jain the video
[kml_flashembed fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://www.lecturemaker.com/lectures/nitesh091023/lmpremovie.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”734″ height=”628″]Get Adobe Flash player 10
If you prefer not to upgrade to flash 10, you may try playing the flash movie from this link: lmpremovie.swf
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Author: Ron Fredericks

Ron's technology skill set includes open source software development, architecture design, quick prototyping, project/product management, operating system development, compiler development, debugger development, component reuse, network protocols, new media streaming, real-time performance, embedded systems, mobile apps, power engineering, and countless application development projects. Ron is also a business developer, video and animation artist, public speaker, eLearning platform developer, and independent researcher at BiophysicsLab.com LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronfredericks

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