Toastmasters Officer Training Keynote

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Toastmasters International: Officer Training Keynote Speech

Ron Fredericks writes: Many events include a keynote speech as part of their venues. Yet, very few events I have attended deliver a keynote that I would want to share with others outside the event itself. This particular event was graced with a keynote speech that was entertaining, informative, and motivational as a goal for the human spirit as well as for the attendees of this officer training session. As a result I am fortunate to be able to share this particular event’s keynote speech as a LectureMaker video for others to watch – even to those that have never been to a Toastmasters officer training event.

The February 25’th Sunnyvale officer training event itself was put together by Toastmasters District 4, Division C governor Frank Chen. Great job Frank, and the same goes to your event team and trainers as well. Additional thanks to Toasters R Us club and Synopsis for providing the venue for this training session. I would also like to thank the members of the Blue Cube Toastmasters club for helping me to setup and film this special event – Gopal Patil in particular for volunteering as key grip and cameraman on short notice.

Frank delivered a compelling and informative introduction to Vish. I plan to refer back to Frank’s technique as demonstrated in the video from time to time so I too can try and deliver such a compelling introduction to talented presenters at future events. A wrap-up session was delivered by Diane Vaughn as the final scene in this video. She breaks the keynote speech down into small enough chunks along with their associated segues so viewers can better understand the structure behind this compelling keynote speech.

Event Video

LectureMaker presents:
Toastmasters International officer training event,
keynote speech by Vish Pattanashetty – the video.
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