Infuencers to Brand Advocates

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Ron Fredericks writes: LectureMaker was on scene March 17, 2011, as the video streaming provider for this episode of “Think Influence” held at San Francisco’s BrightTALK office.

Simon Gerzina was the producer for the event. He gave me and my camera crew a fantastic learning experience, as we supported him during the event. It is rare to be able to learn “hands-on” from a famous video producer, photographer, and communications leader. Thank you again, Simon.

The event was moderated by Barbara French as part of her exciting perspective in influencer brand advocacy.

Barbara French
Sr. Director, Analyst Relations
Juniper Networks (Moderator)

The event’s expert panel came to life with Barbara’s skilled leadership to key insights into building a brand leveraging influencers across a wide community.

Don Bulmer, VP Global Communicaitons, SAP
Guy Kawasaki, Co-founder, Alltop
Mike Fauscette, GVP, Software Business Solutions, IDC


A Local Event Gone Global

LectureMaker’s portable broadcast system was at the heart of the event. Our live Internet streaming hardware integrated with our high-def video cameras, skilled operators, audio, titling, and source switching were key elements in making the broadcast come to life with such clarity. BrightTALK used a team of tweeters in the production booth to feed the host with hashtag comments, from a global audience of remote tweeters who were watching our live video feed. The host was able to “heard” the global tweeters through our camera’s live stream by sharing the correct hashtags and reading the aggregated text supplied from the team off stage at the event. The global ausience was able to participate, not just watch the lecture. The local audience enjoyed the intelligent feedback from tweeters off-site and around the globe. This was a very effective way to bring a global audience to a local event. Contact LectureMaker to take your next local event to a global or remote live audience, or to record and publish the event online as a high-def video after the event.

Thanks go out to LectureMaker’s camera crew on this project:


These images show how LectureMaker’s high quality portable broadcasting equipment works in the field.

Simon Gerzina from BrightTALK used LectureMaker LLC for video streaming technology and camera crew
Multi-camera Operators During Live Streaming
Host Using Audience and Twitter Feed During Q/A

You can watch a recording of the live stream below. I think anyone who puts on live events can learn from watching this recording: 1) how to manage a global audience from a live streaming broadcast, and 2) how to film a live event for broadcasting. The recording is of the Internet live stream itself, the same quality and experience that the streaming audience received during the event.

I was very impressed with Morgan Cantrell‘s management of the event along with effective integration of twitter as a way for the Internet audience to converse with the host during and after the event. I was also very impressed with Simon Gerzina’s production of the event itself. Both Morgan and Simon work for BrightTALK. Use BrightTALK’s community platform to take advantage of their experience to build influence using their community enhanced lecture delivery platform and services.

Author: Ron Fredericks

Ron's technology skill set includes open source software development, architecture design, quick prototyping, project/product management, operating system development, compiler development, debugger development, component reuse, network protocols, new media streaming, real-time performance, embedded systems, mobile apps, power engineering, and countless application development projects. Ron is also a business developer, video and animation artist, public speaker, eLearning platform developer, and independent researcher at LinkedIn Profile:

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