Zoomable Photo Example

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Ron Fredericks writes: LectureMaker studio not only produces videos and webinars, but also high quality photographs. In this example, I demonstrate what a zoomable photo looks like using an electronic circuit board.

Contact Ron Fredericks at LectureMaker to publish photos like these.

LectureMaker Presents – the zoomable HHP-16K ROM Emulator Photo

The zoomable photo offers several user controls to view 21 megapixels of information captured from this high quality photograph taken using LectureMaker’s professional studio resources:

  • Click anywhere in the photo to expand that part of the view
  • Drag the slider control to expand the center of the view
  • Once expanded, drag the navigation puck located at the upper left

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More Info on the HHP-16K ROM Emulator

This Emulator allowed Hewlett Packard’s HP-41 series programmable calculators to run custom programs burned onto EPROMS placed into the zero insertion sockets.

I made a photographic engineering study around this particular unit on the Embedded Components blog site:
An Introduction to the HHP-16K EPROM Emulator

Reference Material from HP41.org site
(must register for free to access these documents)
HHP-16K Quick Reference Guide
HHP-16K Set-up Manual

LectureMaker Produces Zoomable Event Photos

It’s common for my clients to ask for photos as well as video when I produce a live event video recording session.

The zoomable photo technique works well to capture a wide angle view of live events thanks to LectureMaker’s high quality photographic techniques: Example

Sometimes I want to express a feeling as part of my live event photography. The zoomable photo allows me to create new information that is otherwise hard to convey. In this example, click on the video camera eye-piece to see right through the video camera to the presenter himself: Example

Contact LectureMaker to Create High Quality Photos

Contact Ron Fredericks at LectureMaker to publish photos like these.

Author: Ron Fredericks

Ron's technology skill set includes open source software development, architecture design, quick prototyping, project/product management, operating system development, compiler development, debugger development, component reuse, network protocols, new media streaming, real-time performance, embedded systems, mobile apps, power engineering, and countless application development projects. Ron is also a business developer, video and animation artist, public speaker, eLearning platform developer, and independent researcher at BiophysicsLab.com LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronfredericks

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